The writer of such classic songs
as The Slipjigs and Reels and the
award-winning The Reckoning, is also a published
author. Steve’s first novel All for Poor Jack is an
historical tale set in Bristol and the New World, full of colourful characters. It’s a mighty good read and
has been enjoyed by the likes of Bob Dylan no less!
He’s toured with John Renbourn’s Ship
of Fools, traditional singer Maggie Boyle (the classic recordings Of
Moor and Mesa and All Under the Sun),
as guitarist with Ballet Rambert, with Maartin Allcock & Pete Zorn
in WAZ! with Brooks Williams and with his daughter Martha. Plus collaborations with alt-country band The Durbervilles and old Bristol pals Keith Warmington
and the late Stuart Gordon as the Steve Tilston Trio. His most recent
project is Tilston & Lowe a duo with fellow
songwriter Jez Lowe, producing The Janus Game a
CD of brand-new co-writes.
Others have also recorded Steve’s
songs. Here’s to Tom Paine is the adopted theme song
for the Tom Paine Society of America and we’ve lost count of the number
of versions of The Slipjigs & Reels!